Cleaners, degreasers, solvents, lubricants, and specialty chemicals derived from renewable, biobased resources
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Going into its third decade as a pioneer in the biobased industry, GEMTEK Products continues to dedicate itself to the research, development and production of non-toxic, environmentally-safe cleaners, degreasers, solvents, lubricants and specialty chemicals. Since 1992, GEMTEK has been a manufacturer of industrial chemicals derived from renewable, plant-based resources for a broad range of industrial applications. GEMTEK invites you to join our mission, “Safely Cleaning Planet Earth®“ Download crea driver. , by choosing to use high performance eco-friendly products.
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Industrial Cleaners, Solvents & Specialty Products
cleaners, solvents and specialty products provide our customers with effective cleaning solutions without the environmental or personal hazards associated with traditional toxic chemistries.
A natural way of denaturing or neutralizing of protein allergens
Anti-Allergen products bring the allergy sufferer a new level of effectiveness without toxic or hazardous chemistries. Formulated from renewable plant-based resources including additives derived from elemental rock and seed extracts.
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Industrial Lubricants & Specialty Fluids
Drivers olivetti. State-of-the-art botanical additives and vegetable base oils to create safe and effective lubricants such as hydraulic fluid as well as specialty fluids.